1199 La cérémonie

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Red Screamer
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Re: 1199 La cérémonie

#51 Post by Red Screamer » Sun Jul 21, 2024 2:03 am

I thought the blu looked great, colors and all, but I’m no expert. I did, however, notice an obvious error in the subtitles: in the scene where the daughter stops to help Huppert with her car, the subtitle has her saying “Hello, Mrs. Lantier” in the middle of the conversation, after she’s already said hello. It must have been copy-pasted from the scene where Huppert brings Bonnaire to volunteer for some reason, since Madame Lantier is the woman who works at the church. What she’s actually saying is something like, “You want me to take a look?”

I’m surprised that this error made it through since the line doesn’t fit even if you’re just reading the English (not that I expect it will seriously get in the way of anyone’s viewing of the film). Criterion, my services are available; I’m also a good cook :-"

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