Criterion has assembled a wonderful new edition for Performance that also happens to feature a knockout 4K presentation. Highly recommended.

Video: 9 / Audio: 7 / Supplements: 9

Recent Reviews

  • Stray Dog

    Stray Dog Blu-ray

    The video presentation leaves room for improvement, but BFI has still assembled an excellent edition

Stray Dog Blu-ray

The video presentation leaves room for improvement, but BFI has still assembled an excellent edition
  • High and Low

    High and Low Blu-ray

    Though its supplements can't match Criterion's, BFI's new Blu-ray delivers a sharper and cleaner Blu-ray presentation

High and Low Blu-ray

Though its supplements can't match Criterion's, BFI's new Blu-ray delivers a sharper and cleaner Blu-ray presentation

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