The Alternative American Film List

An ongoing project to survey the best films of individual decades, genres, and filmmakers.
Joshua Dago
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#51 Post by Joshua Dago » Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:55 am

my current top 5, i'll make a top 50 this weekend.

#01 Bride of Frankenstein
#02 Night of the Hunter
#03 Shadow of a Doubt
#04 The Conversation
#05 To Be Or Not To Be

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Andre Jurieu
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#52 Post by Andre Jurieu » Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:02 am

When posting these lists on the forum, shouldn't we avoid including rankings for the films so we don't create a bias in the voting? We adopted this strategy for the Lists Project so that someone wouldn't notice the popularity/lack of popularity of a certain film and then purposely skew their own list to compensate for previous entries.

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#53 Post by jonp72 » Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:53 pm

Nadsat wrote:
jonp72 wrote:5. To state the obvious, all films listed must be American. For the purposes of this list-making enterprise, if the film's IMDB entry lists "US" as the "Country" of the film, then film qualifies as American. If it's not, then it's not eligible. For example, this would make A Clockwork Orange and The Third Man ineligible (despite their inclusion on the AFI lists), because they were British films (listed as Country:UK in IMDB), not American films.
Sorry for this stupid question, but what if IMDB list two countries, for example UK/USA or USA/UK (or another combination)?
Not a stupid question at all. In order to promote diversity, deal with globalization & the increasingly popularity of internationally financed co-productions yadda yadda yadda...., I will accept any film as "American" as long as U.S. is listed as one of the countries under the Country label for the film in the Internet Movie Data Base. For the sake of this list-making enterprise, I am treating IMDB as the standard (i.e., IMDB is "right" even when it's wrong).

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#54 Post by scotty » Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:08 pm

I 'm going to list only those that have USA listed first, because that usually reflects the core of the film. Once Upon a Time in the West, for example, is one of my all-time favorite films, and while it has a fistful of American cast members and was partially shot in Monument Valley as an homage to John Ford, the key personalities in it are Leone and Morricone, and they are as Italian as you can get. An Italian crew as well. The melding of Italian opera and the American western makes it something apart from an American production--it could only be what it is because it is, in its essence, an Italian film. Putting American money or a star or two in a film, to my way of thinking, is not enough to make it culturally American, which is why the AFI's listing of Lawrence of Arabia and The Third Man made no sense to me. Straw Dogs has an English milieu but the key personality in the film is clearly Sam Peckinpah, and USA is listed first in IMDB too, so that is fine by me. I think there are plenty of American films from which to choose without gobbling up all the international co-productions as well.
I reserve the right to change my mind, of course.

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#55 Post by mteller » Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:58 pm

1. A Woman Under the Influence (1974, Cassavetes)
2. El Norte (1983, Nava)
3. Safe (1995, Haynes)
4. Stop Making Sense (1984, Demme)
5. American Movie (1999, Smith)
6. The Shining (1980, Kubrick)
7. Eraserhead (1977, Lynch)
8. All That Jazz (1979, Fosse)
9. Solaris (2002, Soderbergh)
10. Drugstore Cowboy (1989, Van Sant)
11. Love and Death (1975, Allen)
12. Days of Heaven (1978, Malick)
13. The Magnificent Ambersons (1942, Welles)
14. The Birds (1963, Hitchcock)
15. Sweet Smell of Success (1957, Mackendrick)
16. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001, Anderson)
17. The Blues Brothers (1980, Landis)
18. Blue Velvet (1986, Lynch)
19. Airplane! (1980, Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker)
20. My Darling Clementine (1946, Ford)
21. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986, Allen)
22. Paths of Glory (1957, Kubrick)
23. Alien (1979, Scott)
24. The Elephant Man (1980, Lynch)
25. Sleeper (1973, Allen)
26. All That Heaven Allows (1955, Sirk)
27. Shadow of a Doubt (1943, Hitchcock)
28. Hoop Dreams (1994, James)
29. Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989, Allen)
30. Mean Streets (1973, Scorsese)
31. The New World (2005, Malick)
32. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992, Foley)
33. Blazing Saddles (1974, Brooks)
34. Faces (1968, Cassavetes)
35. The Night of the Hunter (1955, Laughton)
36. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000, Coen)
37. The Americanization of Emily (1964, Hiller)
38. Gaslight (1944, Cukor)
39. The Cameraman (1928, Segdwick/Keaton)
40. Let's Get Lost (1988, Weber)
41. Images (1972, Altman)
42. The Man Who Laughs (1928, Leni)
43. Grizzly Man (2005, Herzog)
44. Barton Fink (1991, Coen)
45. My Man Godfrey (1936, La Cava)
46. Unfaithfully Yours (1948, Sturges)
47. Gerry (2002, Van Sant)
48. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004, Gondry)
49. A Time for Burning (1967, Connell/Jersey)
50. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957, Arnold)

The hard part was ordering the list.

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Awesome Welles
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#56 Post by Awesome Welles » Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:50 am

1. Blue Velvet (Lynch, 1986)
2. The Magnificent Ambersons (Welles, 1942)
3. The Kid (Chaplin, 1921)
4. The Night of the Hunter (Laughton, 1955)
5. Paths of Glory (Kubrick, 1957)
6. Out of the Past (Tourneur, 1947)
7. Sherlock Jr. (Keaton, 1924)
8. Touch of Evil (Welles, 1958)
9. Harold and Maude (Ashby, 1971)
10. Dog Day Afternoon (Lumet, 1975)
11. The King of Comedy (Scorsese, 1983)
12. Once Upon a Time in America (Leone, 1984)
13. The Royal Tenenbaums (W. Anderson, 2001)
14. Shadow of a Doubt (Hitchcock, 1943)
15. Johnny Guitar (N. Ray, 1954)
16. Groundhog Day (Ramis, 1993)
17. The Killing (Kubrick, 1956)
18. Notorious (Hitchcock, 1946)
19. Punch Drunk Love (P.T. Anderson, 2002)
20. Lost Highway (Lynch, 1997)
21. Bonnie and Clyde (Penn, 1967)
22. The Conversation (Coppola, 1974)
23. Punishment Park (Watkins, 1971)
24. Seven Chances (Keaton, 1925)
25. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Siegel, 1956)
26. Rio Bravo (Hawks, 1959)
27. Alien (Scott, 1979)
28. Short Cuts (Altman, 1993)
29. Rebecca (Hitchcock, 1940)
30. Reservoir Dogs (Tarantino, 1992)
31. The Asphalt Jungle (Huston, 1950)
32. Back to the Future (Zemeckis, 1985)
33. The Player (Altman, 1992)
34. The Roaring Twenties (Walsh, 1939)
35. The Big Lebowski (Coen, 1998)
36. Eraserhead (Lynch, 1977)
37. Rosemary's Baby (Polanski, 1968)
38. Letter from an Unknown Woman (Ophuls, 1948)
39. My Darling Clementine (Ford, 1946)
40. The Long Goodbye (Altman, 1973)
41. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (Ford, 1962)
42. Monsieur Verdoux (Chaplin, 1947)
43. Rope (Hitchcock, 1948)
44. The Great Escape (Sturges, 1963)
45. His Girl Friday (Hawks, 1940)
46. Carrie (De Palma, 1976)
47. The Exorcist (Friedkin, 1973)
48. Shock Corridor (Fuller, 1963)
49. The Set Up (Wise, 1949)
50. Being There (Ashby, 1979)

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#57 Post by Michael » Fri Sep 28, 2007 3:56 pm

Mala Noche
All That Heaven Allows
Pink Narcissus
Grey Gardens
Dazed and Confused
The New World
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
The Exorcist
Meet Me in St. Louis
Female Trouble
The 7th Victim
Mulholland Dr.
Baby Doll
Now, Voyager
Gun Crazy
Kiss Me Deadly
The Birds
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Far From Heaven
The Leopard Man
Waiting for Guffman
Jackie Brown
Star 80
All That Jazz
The Roaring Twenties
Top Hat
Hush, Hush.. Sweet Charlotte
The Magnificent Ambersons
A Christmas Story
Auntie Mame
The Curse of Cat People
The Band Wagon
3 Women
I Walked With a Zombie
Young Frankenstein
A Summer Place
After Hours
Summer Stock
Funny Face

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#58 Post by jonp72 » Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:41 pm

I just wanted to remind everybody that the Alternative AFI lists are due on December 31st of this year. That leaves less than 2 1/2 weeks to get in your top 50 list of American films that have not appeared on the AFI Top 100 list.

So far there are 53 films eligible to be on the list (i.e., they have two or more votes). I'd like to see at least 100 films eligible to be on the list, so keep those lists coming. As an added incentive, I can privately send a current Top 10 list to anybody who sends me a list (or anybody who has already sent me a list).

I won't divulge more details, but the current top 10 includes two directors with two films each. There are three 1940s films, three 1950s films, three 1970s films, and one film from the 1980s.

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Cold Bishop
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#59 Post by Cold Bishop » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:53 am

Hmmm.... so if I can get things straight, the common consensus around here is that Leone's two Once Upon A Time... films are Italian? Or are we just including ...America (since I see FSimeoni has)? I could go either way with them since they're eligible and I find America plays a much bigger role in both of them (both thematically and production-wise) but they're also very much the work of Italian filmmakers, and I see no point in voting for them if everyone is set against them. However, if we are, I must know since it will very much change my top 10.

And I was ready to write off Cronenberg's films as Canadian. Guess some disagree.

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#60 Post by Dylan » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:46 pm

Very good question, where do the joint productions like Once Upon a Time in the West and Dead Ringers go?

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#61 Post by zedz » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:53 pm

I guess the preference is for public posting. After a flurry of futile shuffling, I've realised that I just can't squeeze sixty films into fifty slots, so I'm cutting my losses:

1. The Roaring Twenties (Raoul Walsh, 1939)
2. The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
3. Sherman's March (Ross McElwee, 1986)
4. Man of the West (Anthony Mann, 1958)
5. The Band Wagon (Vincente Minnelli, 1953)
6. Force of Evil (Abraham Polonsky, 1948)
7. The Thin Blue Line (Errol Morris, 1988)
8. Peter Ibbetson (Henry Hathaway, 1935)
9. The Hired Hand (Peter Fonda, 1971)
10. He Who Gets Slapped (Victor Sjostrom, 1924)
11. Sink or Swim (Su Friedrich, 1990)
12. Pursued (Raoul Walsh, 1947)
13. Top Hat (Mark Sandrich, 1935)
14. My Darling Clementine (John Ford, 1946)
15. T-Men (Anthony Mann, 1947)
16. Three Women (Robert Altman, 1977)
17. Dog Star Man (Stan Brakhage, 1964)
18. Curse of the Cat People (Robert Wise, 1944)
19. Crime Wave (Andre De Toth, 1954)
20. The Shooting (Monte Hellman, 1965)
21. The Thin Red Line (Terence Malick, 1998)
22. Blonde Venus (Josef von Sternberg, 1932)
23. Meet Me in St Louis (Vincente Minnelli, 1944)
24. Lonesome (Pal Fejos, 1928)
25. Cockfighter (Monte Hellman, 1974)
26. Only Angels Have Wings (Howard Hawks, 1939)
27. The Hitch-Hiker (Ida Lupino, 1953)
28. Out of the Past (Jacques Tourneur, 1947)
29. The Lusty Men (Nicholas Ray, 1952)
30. Shadow of a Doubt (Alfred Hitchcock, 1943)
31. The Man from Laramie (Anthony Mann, 1955)
32. Buffalo 66 (Vincent Gallo, 1998)
33. Sherlock, Jr. (Buster Keaton, 1924)
34. His Girl Friday (Howard Hawks, 1940)
35. American Boy (Martin Scorsese, 1978)
36. Seconds (John Frankenheimer, 1966)
37. Safe (Todd Haynes, 1995)
38. Men in War (Anthony Mann, 1957)
39. Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (Todd Haynes, 1987)
40. The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (Preston Sturges, 1944)
41. White Heat (Raoul Walsh, 1949)
42. Junior Bonner (Sam Peckinpah, 1972)
43. My Hustler (Andy Warhol, 1965)
44. Blue Velvet (David Lynch, 1986)
45. Punch-Drunk Love (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2002)
46. Mishima (Paul Schrader, 1985)
47. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Hooper, 1974)
48. Park Row (Fuller, 1952)
49. Killer of Sheep (Charles Burnett, 1977)
50. Reign of Terror (Mann, 1949)

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Mr Sheldrake
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#62 Post by Mr Sheldrake » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:19 pm

Letter From an Unknown Woman
Some Came Running
7 Women
His Girl Friday
Imitation of Life (Sirk)
The Shop Around the Corner
Anatomy of a Murder
Little Big Man
Miller's Crossing
Unfaithfully Yours (Sturges)
The Birds
Touch of Evil
Jackie Brown
Man of the West
Dead Man (Jarmush)
Meet Me in St Louis
Sweet Smell of Success
Before Sunset
Rosemary's Baby
Who'll Stop the Rain
All That Heaven Allows
Out of the Past
My Man Godfrey (La Cava)
Kiss Me Deadly
The Long Goodbye
A New Leaf
Sherlock Jr
Stardust Memories
Mulholland Drive
The Lady Eve
Days of Heaven
Chilly Scenes of Winter
The Quiet Man
Monsieur Verdoux
Don't Make Waves
The Band Wagon
Mean Streets
The Lineup (Siegel)
The Letter
A History of Violence
Miami Vice
Cutter's Way
One Two Three
Lord Love a Duck
Election (Payne)
Empire of the Sun
Key Largo

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#63 Post by GringoTex » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:28 pm

CAn we edit our previosuly psoted list, or will that screw up your tabulation?

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#64 Post by Michael » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:38 am

GringoTex wrote:CAn we edit our previosuly psoted list, or will that screw up your tabulation?
I'd love to edit my list now having seen The Scarlet Empress.

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#65 Post by NABOB OF NOWHERE » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:32 am

1. Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia
2. The Magnificent Ambersons
3. Sweet smell of success
4. Lost highway
5. Days of heaven
6. Point blank
7. The Conversation
8. Mulholland Drive
9. The night of the hunter
10. Gilda
11. The Band Wagon
12. Inland Empire
13. The Long Goodbye
14. Notorious
15. Ace in the hole
16. Killing of a Chinese bookie
17. McCabe and Mrs. Miller
18. Out of the Past
19. Touch of evil
20. Blue Velvet
21. Wise Blood
22. Scarecrow
23. The Crowd
24. The Big Combo
25. Paths of Glory
26. Portrait of Jenny
27. The Wind
28. Night moves
29. Rosemary's Baby
30. Pinnochio
31. Welfare
32. Safe
33.Thin Red Line
34.The Devil and Daniel Webster
35. Down by Law
36. All that Heaven allows
37. Rebecca
38. Dumbo
39. Two Lane Blacktop
40. Blood Simple
41. Johnny Guitar
42. Koyaanisqatsi
43..The Asphalt Jungle
44. Cockfighter
45. Grizzly man
46. Ben Hur (1927)
47. Charley Varrick
48. Glengarry Glen Ross
49. Thin Blue Line
50. The Devil's Cleavage

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#66 Post by GringoTex » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:45 am

NABOB OF NOWHERE wrote:1. Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia
You rock.

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#67 Post by NABOB OF NOWHERE » Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:10 am

GringoTex wrote:
NABOB OF NOWHERE wrote:1. Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia
You rock.
In my time I have been known to undulate mildly a wee bit,Yes.

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domino harvey
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#68 Post by domino harvey » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:22 pm

Since I know my votes have already been cast, I'm editing out my list due to how many great films I managed to forget to include. There's like a law that you forget your favorites until right after you submit these things. Oh well, I'm not asking to change my votes but I am removing the public list. :-#
Last edited by domino harvey on Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#69 Post by nick » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:35 pm

1. The Killing Of A Chinese Bookie
2. Rushmore
3. Dead Man
4. The Fisher King
5. The Great Dictator
6. McCabe & Mrs. Miller
7. Rebecca
8. Shock Corridor
9. The Magnificent Ambersons
10. Manhattan
11. Lady Eve, The
12. The Conversation
13. The Big Lebowski
14. Straw Dogs
15. Dead Ringers
16. My Own Private Idaho
17. Days of Heaven
18. 25th Hour, The
19. All That Heaven Allows
20. Down By Law
21. Grey Gardens
22. Hail the Conquering Hero
23. Magnolia
24. Notorious
25. Pickup on South Street
26. Steamboat Bill Jr.
27. Stardust Memories
28. Short Cuts
29. The Royal Tenebaums
30. The Shop Around the Corner
31. Incredibles, The
32. A Girl in Every Port
33. The Naked City
34. Dazed and Confused
35. A Woman Under the Influence
36. The Trouble With Harry
37. All The Real Girls
38. Beggars of Life
39. Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter
40. Buffalo 66
41. Stranger Than Paradise
42. Unbearable Lightness Of Being
43. Eyes Wide Shut
44. Traffic
45. Artificial Intelligence
46. Mulholland Drive
47. Vanya on 42nd Street
48. Touch of Evil
49. Mala Noche
50. The Muppet Movie

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#70 Post by Floyd » Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:41 pm

01. Faces (John Cassavetes, 1968)
02. McCabe & Mrs. Miller (Robert Altman, 1971)
03. The Cameraman (Edward Sedgwick/Buster Keaton, 1928)
04. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (Sam Peckinpah, 1974)
05. Love Streams (John Cassavetes, 1984)
06. Minnie and Moskowitz (John Cassavetes, 1971)
07. George Washington (David Gordon Green, 2000)
08. Vernon, Florida (Errol Morris, 1981)
09. Salesman (Maysles, 1968)
10. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (John Cassavetes, 1976)
11. Trust (Hal Hartley, 1990)
12. Stranger Than Paradise (Jim Jarmusch, 1983)
13. Eraserhead (David Lynch, 1977)
14. Mikey & Nicky (Elaine May, 1976)
15. Medium Cool (Haskell Wexler, 1968)
16. Badlands (Terrence Malick, 1973)
17. Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, 1995)
18. Carnal Knowledge (Mike Nichols, 1971)
19. Point Blank (John Boorman, 1976)
20. Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (Sam Peckinpah, 1973)
21. Gates of Heaven (Errol Morris, 1978)
22. The Lusty Men (Nicholas Ray, 1952)
23. A Woman Under the Influence (John Cassavetes, 1974)
24. Husbands (John Cassavetes, 1970)
25. Taking Off (Milos Forman, 1971)
26. You Can't Take it with You (Frank Capra, 1938)
27. Shock Corridor (Samuel Fuller, 1963)
28. Blue Velvet (David Lynch, 1986)
29. Shadows (John Cassavetes, 1959)
30. The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
31. Harlan County USA (Barbara Kopple, 1976)
32. Manhattan (Woody Allen, 1979)
33. Paper Moon (Peter Bogdanovich, 1973)
34. In a Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray, 1950)
35. Killer of Sheep (Charles Burnett, 1977)
36. Dont Look Back (D.A. Pennebaker, 1967)
37. High School (Frederick Wiseman, 1968)
38. Christmas in July (Preston Sturges, 1940)
39. The Unknown (Tod Browning, 1927)
40. Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)
41. Blast of Silence (Allen Baron, 1961)
42. Kiss Me Deadly (Robert Aldrich, 1955)
43. Punishment Park (Peter Watkins, 1971)
44. INLAND EMPIRE (David Lynch, 2006)
45. Rushmore (Wes Anderson, 1998)
46. Before Sunset (Richard Linklater, 2004)
47. The New World (Terrence Malick, 2005)
48. Waiting for Guffman (Christopher Guest, 1996)
49. I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, 2007)
50. Matewan (John Sayles, 1987)
Last edited by Floyd on Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#71 Post by Saarijas » Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:49 am

1. Badlands
2. Ace in the Hole
3. Night of the Hunter
4. All That Heaven Allows
5. The Conversation
6. Touch of Evil
7. Paths of Glory
8. The Lady Eve
9. Dog Day Afternoon
10. His Girl Friday
11. Strangers on a Train
12. Rio Bravo
13. The Killing
14. Young Frankenstein
15. The Big Heat
16. The Palm Beach Story
17. The Big Sleep
18. Blue Velvet
19. Gentleman's Agreement
20. Casino
21. Thieves Highway
22. Days of Heaven
23. Cool Hand Luke
24. Detour
25. Hoop Dreams
26. Great Dictator
27. Manhattan
28. After Hours
29. Rebecca
30. My Darling Clementine
31. Clockers
32. Peter Pan (1924)
33. Heavens Gate
34. Down By Law
35. Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse
36. The Thin Red Line
37. Greed
38. Killer of Sheep
39. Scarface (Hawks)
40. Killing of a Chinese Bookie
41. The Day The Earth Stood Still
42. Secret Honor
43. Naked City
44. Burden of Dreams
45. The New World
46. Bamboozled
47. Macbeth (Welles)
48. The Man who Shot Liberty Valance
49. Eyes Wide Shut
50. Mala Noche
Last edited by Saarijas on Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Cold Bishop
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#72 Post by Cold Bishop » Mon Dec 31, 2007 2:00 am

Saarijas wrote:24. The Leopard
I surely do hope you meant The Leopard Man...

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#73 Post by Via_Chicago » Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:51 am

1. The Scarlet Empress (von Sternberg)
2. The Magnificent Ambersons (Welles)
3. Only Angels Have Wings (Hawks)
4. Kiss Me Deadly (Aldrich)
5. Hell's Hinges (Ince)
6. Trouble in Paradise (Lubitsch)
7. Reign of Terror (Mann)
8. My Darling Clementine (Ford)
9. Imitation of Life (Sirk)
10. White Dog (Fuller)
11. The Mortal Storm (Borzage)
12. The Heiress (Wyler)
13. The Wind (Sjostrom)
14. In a Lonely Place (Ray)
15. The Blue Bird (Tourneur)
16. Notorious (Hitchcock)
17. Frankenstein (Whale)
18. Make Way for Tomorrow (McCarey)
19. Once Upon a Time in the West (Leone)
20. The Seventh Victim (Robson)
21. The Devil Is a Woman (von Sternberg)
22. Mulholland Dr. (Lynch)
23. Killer of Sheep (Burnett)
24. Park Row (Fuller)
25. Videodrome (Cronenberg)
26. Rio Bravo (Hawks)
27. Dazed and Confused (Linklater)
28. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (Ford)
29. The Big Sky (Hawks)
30. Our Hospitality (Keaton)
31. The Awful Truth (McCarey)
32. Night of the Hunter (Laughton)
33. The Tarnished Angels (Sirk)
34. Ace in the Hole (Wilder)
35. Touch of Evil (Welles)
36. Dead Man (Jarmusch)
37. The Crowd (Vidor)
38. Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick)
39. Out of the Past (Tourneur)
40. The Fountainhead (Vidor)
41. Regeneration (Walsh)
42. The Shop Around the Corner (Lubitsch)
43. How Green Was My Valley (Ford)
44. The Cheat (DeMille)
45. Mean Streets (Scorsese)
46. Days of Heaven (Malick)
47. I Walked With a Zombie (Tourneur)
48. The Lady Eve (Sturges)
49. Gun Crazy (Lewis)
50. His Girl Friday (Hawks)

Pretty arbitrary numbering outside of the top few (and I moved Rio Bravo lower than I wanted because I was too lazy to try and go back and move all the numbers around). Not to mention that I'm probably forgetting tons more movies that I want to include, especially titles like Duel in the Sun, Man's Castle, Greed, etc. And bigger than all, there are countless titles out there that I still have yet to discover...

Big EDIT: Removed OTHELLO because I had stupidly forgotten that, well, it's extremely far from an American production. Added HIS GIRL FRIDAY in the last spot instead.
Last edited by Via_Chicago on Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#74 Post by GringoTex » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:07 pm

My new (and final) list:

1 My Darling Clementine John Ford
2 Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia Sam Peckinpah
3 Casino Martin Scorsese
4 Trouble in Paradise Ernst Lubitsch
5 Vera Cruz Robert Aldrich
6 Kiss Me Deadly Robert Aldrich
7 Only Angels Have Wings Howard Hawks
8 Thieves' Highway Jules Dassin
9 Seven Men from Now Budd Boetticher
10 Letter from an Unknown Woman Max Ophüls
11 Cockfighter Monte Hellman
12 Young Mr. Lincoln John Ford
13 Tabu: A Story of the South Seas F.W. Murnau
14 Some Came Running Vincente Minnelli
15 The Steel Helmet Samuel Fuller
16 His Girl Friday Howard Hawks
17 Morocco Josef von Sternberg
18 The Long Goodbye Robert Altman
19 Written on the Wind Douglas Sirk
20 Winchester '73 Anthony Mann
21 The Awful Truth Leo McCarey
22 They Were Expendable John Ford
23 3:10 to Yuma Delmer Daves
24 The Shop Around the Corner Ernst Lubitsch
25 Kiss of Death Henry Hathaway
26 Artificial Intelligence: AI Steven Spielberg
27 Fallen Angel Otto Preminger
28 The Right Stuff Philip Kaufman
29 3 Women Robert Altman
30 Eyes Wide Shut Stanley Kubrick
31 The Shooting Monte Hellman
32 A Woman Under the Influence John Cassavetes
33 Carmen Jones Otto Preminger
34 How Green Was My Valley John Ford
35 Dazed and Confused Richard Linklater
36 Bigger Than Life Nicholas Ray
37 Force of Evil Abraham Polonsky
38 The Outlaw Josey Wales Clint Eastwood
39 Under the Volcano John Huston
40 Once Upon a Time in Mexico Robert Rodriguez
41 The Night of the Hunter Charles Laughton
42 Poto and Cabengo Jean-Pierre Gorin
43 In the Bedroom Todd Field
44 Robinson Crusoe Luis Buñuel
45 Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story Todd Haynes
46 The Far Country Anthony Mann
47 My Son John Leo McCarey
48 Terror in a Texas Town Joseph H. Lewis
49 The Age of Innocence Martin Scorsese
50 Man on Fire Tony Scott

Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:48 pm
Location: hollywoodland, ca

#75 Post by vivahawks » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:22 pm

1) The Shop Around the Corner
2) Man of the West
3) His Girl Friday
4) My Darling Clementine
5) Rio Bravo
6) A Woman Under the Influence
7) The Circus
8) Greed
9) The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
10) Our Daily Bread (1934, Vidor)
11) The Awful Truth
12) Miracle of Morgan's Creek
13) They Were Expendable
14) The Roaring Twenties
15) Steamboat Bill, Jr.
16) The Naked Spur
17) Midnight (1939, Leisen)
18) Letter from an Unknown Woman
19) Dead Man
20) Badlands
21) The Bandwagon
22) The Conversation
23) The King of Comedy
24) My Man Godfrey
25) Scarlet Street
26) So This is Paris
27) The Lusty Men
28) Angel (1937, Lubitsch)
29) Under Capricorn
30) The Strawberry Blonde
31) Touch of Evil
32) Park Row
33) The Cameraman
34) Fallen Angel (1945, Preminger)
35) Point Blank
36) The Killing
37) I Walked with a Zombie
38) The Long Goodbye
39) The Merry Widow (1925, von Stroheim)
40) The Thin Red Line
41) Advise and Consent
42) Stranger than Paradise
43) Young Mr. Lincoln
44) Man's Castle
45) Ulzana's Raid
46) Unfaithfully Yours
47) Hell is for Heroes
48) Miller's Crossing
49) Regeneration
50) I Love Melvin

When push came to shove most of the more recent titles on my initial list fell off...

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