Normally I don't respond to anonymous criticism, but the generous support of several correspondents here has inclined me to reply to poohbear's criticism of
my blog entry on Shimizu.
poohbear's objections are twofold. First, he says my sources are "laughable": "So he watches Criterion's box set and reads a few articles on the net and now he's a Shimizu expert?"
I don't think poohbear read to the end of my blog entry. There I cite several sources that are books, not Internet entries. Also, I had read some of those books (Burch, my own on Ozu) before the Net existed. Since I aimed the entry at readers who might be unfamiliar with Shimizu, I didn't reference more out-of-the-way sources, such as the Film Center filmography of Shimizu and Ishida (Tokyo: National Library of Modern Art, 1974), which is in Japanese. As for the films: several Shimizu films that I discuss and illustrate with frame enlargements are not available in this DVD box, or indeed on DVD as far as I know.
Further, while I don't claim to be a Shimizu expert, I started watching his films in the 1970s, before video made it easy. I brought 35mm prints of them to my university in the 1980s. I studied them on flatbed viewers and in some cases had to travel to archives, such as the Library of Congress, to see them (STAR ATHLETE, THE BELL OF SAYON).
In short, I am a longtime admirer of the films I've seen and took the release of the Criterion box as an occasion to write an appreciative essay. That makes no pretense of being definitive, a point I belabor in the piece. But I did want to point out aspects of Shimizu's technique that other writers, to my knowledge, haven't discussed.
poohbear also complains, without evidence or examples, that my entry is "littered with errors" and that I'm "clueless" about Japanese film. If poohbear has found mistakes in the post, or in other things I've written on Japanese cinema, I would be grateful to have them pointed out to me. Readers of our blog know that I post corrections there, and since I've mounted a website I include errata sections for my recent books. poohbear should feel free to write me at the email address on my site, and I'd happily consider his/her objections--but only, as several writers on this thread have suggested, if poohbear supplies his/her name.